October 28-30 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A302 - Shifting Service Models

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
San Carlos Ballroom (Marriott)
Hutch Tibbetts, Digital Resources Librarian, IT & Web Services, Douglas County Libraries
Jane Littlefield, Reference/Instruction Librarian, Saint Mary's University of MN

Douglas County Libraries has been in the news for the work its doing with econtent. The first presentation peeks behind the wizard’s curtain to show what DCL has been doing and how its service model is changing. Digital touchscreen power walls in branches, mobile apps, inbrowser ebook readers, and publishing ebooks with Adobe Content Server are just a few tools in DCL’s belt. Its VuFind catalog then integrates and makes this all discoverable. Learn about DCL’s experience and how you can incorporate what DLC is doing in your library. Next, hear how Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota librarians transformed the Twin Cities’ campus library’s instructional services. The goals were threefold: Expand instructional serv- ices while maintaining current staffing models; provide responsive, relevant, and sustainable instruction that did not take away from class time or add to faculty workloads; and develop graduate students’ critical thinking and information literacy skills in a more intensive way. The end result was eBrarian, an entirely online instructional service. Hear about this new eBrarian model, lessons learned, and student and instructor feedback.

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