October 28-30 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Monday, October 28, 2013

D105 - Tech Librarianship & Gender

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
DeAnza III (Portola)
Sarah Houghton, Director, San Rafael Public Library
Ryan Claringbole, LSA Advanced - Overnight Supervisor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Emily Clasper, System Operations and Training Manager, Suffolk Cooperative Library System
Kate Kosturski, Institutional Participation Coordinator, United Kingdom and Northern Europe, JSTOR/ITHAKA
Lisa Rabey, Systems & Web Librarian, Grand Rapids Community College
John Bultena, Lecturer, Merrit Writing Program, UC Merced
Tatum Lindsay, Student, Mount Holyoke College
Nicholas Schiller, Systems and Instruction Librarian, Washington State University Vancouver

Join us for a lively panel and audience discussion about the challenges of gender differences in technology librarianship. The topics of fairness and bias with both genders have appeared in articles, blogs, etc and this panel of women and men who work in libraries and gender studies briefly share personal experiences, then engage the audience about experiences and how best to increase understanding between the genders specifically in the area of technology work in librarianship.

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