October 28-30 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

D204 - Building a Digital Services Team

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
DeAnza III (Portola)
Anne O'Shea, Manager, Digital Services, Vancouver Public Library

This session covers the process VPL followed to develop a new digital services department focused on web projects, digital licensing, and community digital engagement. It covers key elements of the planning process (measuring the effort that was currently going toward digital projects, assessing current and future needs, and determining staffing numbers and roles) and implementation (developing training plans, team building, creating a sense of urgency and fostering creativity, and setting department norms). Hear about their first projects—the overhaul of VPL’s corporate intranet and the creation of a city-wide informal learning calendar. Gain valuable insights and lessons learned, and leave with a template that can be modified to develop new digital centers in your organization.

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