Tuesday, October 29, 2013
E204 - Flipped Professional Development: Conquering Challenges of Time and Money
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.As education changes and people talk about online learning, blended classes, ebooks and tablets, there is one constant--teachers. Whether students are using technology in a classroom with face-to-face instruction, receiving instruction through a flipped classroom model, or taking a class that is entirely online, instruction is impacted by teachers. But has professional development kept up with the changes in the way instruction is delivered? As time demands increase and as “sit and get” professional development has less impact, some are exploring additional ways to meet the challenges and provide that professional development. Attendees will see a variety of ways that training can be provided either fully online or using a flipped model, explore platforms for presenting different options, and discuss ways to engage learners.