October 28-30 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Preconference workshops on Sunday, October 27th include two full-day academies, Searchers Academy and Drupal in a Day, information architecture, UX, negotiating, Google analytics, learning, designing space, and more!

W21 - Better Projects Through Facilitated Conversations

1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Anne O'Shea, Manager, Digital Services, Vancouver Public Library
Carolyn Petrie, Manager, Library Services, Bull Housser Tupper LLP

Make brainstorming, requirements gathering, and problem- solving easier through facilitation. This interactive workshop shares techniques and exercises to increase the effectiveness of meetings, boost creativity, and stimulate creative and structured problem-solving. Taught by two librarians with formal facilitation training and experience, this workshop gives you theory, hands-on practice time, and feedback. Learn techniques to help groups begin working together and exercises for brainstorming and problem solving on projects. This participatory workshop provides the opportunity to try your hand at facilitation in a supportive environment and receive feedback to improve your facilitation skills. Leave with a toolkit of facilitation skills suitable for use on web and tech projects, and the confidence to use them. These skills can then be used to connect and engage with clients, align services with strategic priorities, and make tough choices.

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