October 26-28 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Monday, October 26, 2015

B101 - Library Web Site Makeover

10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
San Carlos Ballroom (Marriott)
Anton Chuppin, Manager, IT Interfaces, Calgary Public Library
Gabrielle Doyle, Children’s Services Librarian, Central Library, Calgary Public Library

At the end of 2014, CPL undertook a major transformation of its web presence. The old website based on a custom-built content management system and a web catalogue provided by the ILS vendor was replaced by a third-party platform integrating the website and online catalogue into a single product (BiblioCMS/BiblioCommons). Comparing the old and new models of the library web interfaces, this talk shows how different approaches to the information architecture influence the patrons' online behavior, physical and electronic circulation, and patrons' online engagement. It analyzes, using Google Analytics, circulation reports, feedback from the library patrons, and interviews with the staff members, how design decisions affect the structure and work of the staff members responsible for the maintenance of the website and content creation.

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