October 26-28 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

D302 - Peer Coaching Across Organizations

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
DeAnza III (Portola)
Max King, Information Technology Librarian, Illinois Institute of Technology
Dee Winn, Head of Information Services, Webster Library, Concordia University

A common complaint among librarians in management positions is the lack of support and training for them to rely upon as they navigate their way through unfamiliar waters. Although formal or informal mentoring programs have helped some institutions facilitate the transition from employee to manager, the speakers began a peer coaching model of co-mentorship based on Marshall Gold- smith's peer coaching model, which encourages a cost-effective way to provide quality coaching to mid-level, high-potential, and emerging leaders. They reflect on their experiences conducting a peer coaching model across institutions, utilizing technology such as Skype and Trello to facilitate cross-institution peer coaching, participants' feedback, support structures for emerging managers, and potential stumbling blocks for those interested in seeking out a similar support network.

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