October 26-28 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Sunday, October 25, 2015

W15 - Staff Development: 5 Steps to Creating a Learning Culture

1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Crystal Schimpf, Founder & CEO, Training & Instructional Design, Kixal, LLC

Do you want to push the boundaries, drive change, and transform your library? Do you wish for a staff that is eager to learn new skills and change work behaviors? In order to create and maintain this culture of learning, it is essential that your library provide support for staff and cultivate learning experiences. Learn five practical steps to sustain this culture in your library staff and volunteers, brainstorm ways to encourage staff learning and growth, and more. Join this experienced librarian and trainer in an interactive workshop filled with useful tips and techniques for creating a learning culture in your organization.

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