Monday, October 23, 2017
C105 - Engaging the Campus to Revolutionize the Library
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.This interactive presentation discusses steps taken by the administration of the Mardigian Library during the 2014 academic year to engage the university campus in a broad conversation regarding the library’s role and services to the community. A cross-functional, campus-wide taskforce gathered input and recommended key elements essential to revolutionizing the library’s position as a valued partner in the academic mission and metropolitan vision of the university. Building on best practices from other university campuses, a review of the literature, and input from campus constituencies, the team also partnered with BrightSpot, an innovation consultant, to further develop recommendations for learning spaces, digital presence, technology, and collaboration spaces. Using a series of learning space and service design exercises, attendees gain experience with how to engage library staff and their broader communities in thinking differently about their library. New services (3D printing), spaces (experimental active learning classrooms), and campus collaborations based on results from the engagement process are discussed.