October 16-18 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A203 - Crawled & Collected, Now Access & Discovery in Web Archives

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Jillian Lohndorf, Web Archivist, Internet Archive
Kris Kasianovitz, Government Information Librarian, Stanford Libraries
Kevin Miller, UC–Davis
Rachel Taketa, Library Specialist, UCSF

This experienced panel of practitioners explores the why and how of providing access to web archives. After an overview of the options and technical components for providing access, our speakers discuss why and how their institutions provide access to web archive content, and who their core audience is. In the process, they delve into their specific case studies including their decision-making process and workflows.

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