October 16-18 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Thursday, October 18, 2018

A301 - Robot Meets Library

10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Dan Lou, Senior Librarian, Palo Alto City Library
M Ryan Hess, Digital Initiatives Manager, Palo Alto City Library

Palo Alto City Library is taking the lead in exploring how nascent robot technologies can be applied in library programs. The effort started from last year’s Pacific Library Partnership Innovation Grant. The library is experimenting with a humanoid robot named Dewey. Dewey is coded to tell stories, carry out dance routines, take photos, send emails, strike smart conversations with third-party APIs, and do many more things. Dewey has performed in various programs and events, such as story times, introductory coding classes, and community conversations. Our experience has shown that robots and libraries are a great match, with customers from a wide range of age groups enjoying the opportunities to engage with a robot. Get the basics of how to start similar robot-embedded programs at libraries, and hear lessons learned in advocating coding and robot technologies to the public.

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