October 16-18 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Thursday, October 18, 2018

A303 - Retooling Academic Librarians

1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Kerry Sullivan, Associate Library Director, Outreach, Reference, and Instruction, Walden University
Colleen S. Harris, Digital & Data Services Librarian, California State University Channel Islands

Reference has long been the hallmark of library services, and while at a distance, it has served us well, the bucket was too full. Armed with a strategic plan and university approval, Walden Library leadership altered and transformed its one-to-one services in 2017. The first talk describes the service models used and the transformation of the library highlighting renewed staff engagement and shares innovative models for high-level research services and outreach to doctoral students and faculty as well as other students. Our second speaker asks: Given carte blanche, how would you design digital services for your library? She offers examples of how one academic library is developing a new suite of digital library services by investing in librarian skill sets and capitalizing on existing university-community and librarian-faculty relationships. Examples offered include technologically retooling a former access services and instruction librarian, pursuing an environmental scan of student and faculty research activities, and considering data partners such as the National Park Service and newly hired faculty working in digital scholarship. Hear lessons learned and get recommendations based on size, service population, and scalability.

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