October 16-18 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

C205 - Visualizing Value

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Christine Ponte, Digital Library Group Lead, The MITRE Corporation
Deanna West, Department Head, Information Services, The MITRE Corporation

In today’s environment of budget cuts and constraints, librarians need to continuously demonstrate the value of resources and services. While great for tracking metrics, spreadsheets don’t always capture the full picture of an organization’s offerings. MITRE’s InfoServices turned to Tableau visualization software to take a more in-depth look at its services. MITRE’s ability to tell a story, share metrics, and gain insight into its customer base has increased dramatically since using Tableau. Tableau has reduced the manual chore of developing information in a flat format, replacing it with dynamically generated content that can be filtered on-the-fly as MITRE looks at trends over time and across our services. Tableau enables MITRE to answer questions such as what research is being done, who is doing it, who is it done for and how often, is the whole company being reached or only parts of it, and are MITRE staff using all departments’ services or just one? MITRE’s use of Tableau has improved the communication of its value to customers, stakeholders, and senior management.

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