October 16-18 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Thursday, October 18, 2018

C302 - What Our Library Stopped Doing!

11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Rebecca Jones, Director, LLEAD Institute & Partner Emeritus, Dysart & Jones Associates

Every service a library offers, and every task staff perform is an investment for the library. A library’s service and content portfolios must be managed in the same way that a healthy financial portfolio is managed: Divest in one area to invest in another. Jones describes a simple “portfolio management tool” that can help libraries identify what services, tasks, and content purchases can be stopped, started, or continued, and how public and academic libraries have stopped doing things to make way for higher-valued efforts. Soto-Barra presents the incredible changes and achievements for NPR’s RAD since RAD stopped doing “this” to turn their attention to “that.”

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