October 22-24 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California

Tammy Allgood Wolf

Manager of Discovery Services
Informatics and CyberInfrastructure Services
Arizona State University

Tammy Allgood Wolf is currently an Associate Librarian and the Manager of Discovery Services at Arizona State University Libraries. She is responsible for providing leadership in the development, implementation, and assessment of policies, practices and technologies designed to enhance information discovery and sharing.

Among other things, Tammy is responsible for designing and maintaining the ASU Libraries web site as well as many other internal and external library interfaces. Tammy was the Project Manager of the online game, Axl Wise and the Information Outbreak, created by the Fletcher Library Game Project and assists with the popular, The Library Channel, podcast and video series. Tammy is also a huge Drupal fan and administers the ASU Libraries's installation of Summon, the Library One Search. Tammy currently conducts web usability research and chairs the ASU Libraries Web Services Advisory Board. Education: M.S., Information Science (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); B.A., History, Cum Laude (University of Arizona).

Internet Librarian 2014

Monday October 27, 2014

1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

B103: Get Agile: Kill the Website Redesign Project


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