October 27-29 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Workshops at Internet Librarian include one full-day academy, Searchers Academy, along with a wide array of half day workshops on topics including information architecture, trends, Drupal, makerspace, negotiating, metrics, designing space, and more.

W18 - Marketing & Emotional Branding for Long-Term Customer Loyalty

1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Elaina M Norlin, Professional Development Coordinator, Consortium, Association for Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)& Author, Six-Step Guide to Library Worker Engagement

How can we change the library culture that loves collecting facts and figures to be more in alignment with today’s trends? Traditional marketing focuses on logic with facts, figure charts, and statistical examples to prove a point. While this information is still needed in persuasion, current studies prove that facts and figures are not enough to keep long-term loyalty. Marketing expert Marc Gobe’s groundbreaking book Emotional Branding states successful emotional branding “brings a new level of credibility and personality to a brand by connecting powerfully with people at a personal and holistic level.” When a consumer feels emotionally connected with the brand, it builds a bridge of trust between the brand and the consumer. The new approach to marketing today emphasizes not what your product or service “does,” but what it means. Today’s most successful brands (Apple, Nike, BMW) utilize emotional branding consistently in order to maximize customer loyalty. In this interactive workshop, participants learn about emotional branding and how to align both traditional and social marketing together to create a consistent and repetitive message that customers need to form a lasting connection to the library brand; develop a library brand personality; develop a sensorial experience; take current or ongoing library projects; and begin to develop your own unique emotional branding strategy.

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