Monday, October 28, 2013
Opening Keynote
Information Architecture: The Future of Libraries

Discovery, Navigation, & Search
A101: Super Searcher Secrets
A102: The New State of Search: Google, Discovery, & Apps
A103: Modeling Real Search Skills in Action
A104: Teaching Machines: Creating Better Search Engines
A105: Discovery Services for Libraries
A106: Discovery: Beyond the Single Search Box

Mary Ellen Bates - A101_Bates.pptx (11 MB)

Greg Notess - A102_Notess.pptx (1 MB)

Bergson-Michleson & Erickson - A103_Bergson-Michleson.pdf (36 MB)

Transforming Web Presence
B101: Responsive Web Design From the Trenches
B102: Tips on Redesigning Websites: From Mess to Success
B103: Web Tips & Tricks
B104: Seven Deadly Sins of Websites
B105: Keeping Web Content Fresh
B106: Using Web Analytics for Site Improvement

Amanda Foust - B102_Foust.pptx (2 MB)

Julie Stam - B102_Stam.pptx (56 MB)

Stacy Wittmann - B102_Wittmann.pptx (6 MB)

Ellison & Bullian - B103_Ellison.pptx (887 KB)

Bullian & Ellison - B103_Bullian.pptx (888 KB)

Bullian & Ellison - B103_Bullian.pdf (684 KB)

Ellison & Bullian - B103_Ellison.pdf (684 KB)

Jeremy Snell - B103_Snell.pdf (1 MB)

Lucas & Sisko - B103_Lucas.ppt (9 MB)

Calhoun, Koivunen & Parker - B105_Calhoun.pptx (4 MB)

Adam Northam - Thompson 2

Northam & Anderson - B105_Northam.pptx (1 MB)

Annis Lee Adams - Download presentation here

Engaging Our Communities
C101: Community Engagement & MakerSpace
C102: Retail Technology Trends & Connected Learning
C103: Measuring Engagement
C104: Engaging With Social Media
C105: Engaging the Academic Community
C106: Engaging Teens & Boomers

ten_Pas & Elsholz - C102_ten_Pas.pdf (192 KB)

Cordelia Anderson - C103_Anderson.pdf (632 KB)

Cordelia Anderson - C103_Anderson(1).pdf (1 MB)

Brent Bloechle - C104_Bloechle(1).pptx (1 MB)

Beth McGough - C104_McGough.pptx (2 MB)

Mike Nutt - C105_Nutt.pptx (12 MB)

Rian & Self - C105_Rian(1).pptx (10 MB)

Koury, Gray & Semenza - C105_Koury.pptx (6 MB)

Arredondo & Grombly - C106_Arredondo.pptx (13 MB)

Grombly & Arredondo - C106_Grombly.pptx (14 MB)

Library Issues & Challenges
D101: Evolving Libraries: What’s at Our Core?
D102: Responsive Web Design (RWD)
D103: Online Education Opps & Learning Centers
D104: Big Data & Libraries
D105: Tech Librarianship & Gender
D106: The Next Big Thing

Rudy Leon - D101_Leon.pptx (8 MB)

Amy Affelt - D104_Affelt.pptx (53 KB)

E101: Embedded Librarianship With Google Docs
E102: Research Is Not a Straight Line: Effectively Teaching Search
E103: Mobile and Digital—Flipping the Library for 21st-Century Learners
E104: Making It Real: Institutionalizing a 21st-Century Mind-Set
E105: Libraries as STEM to STEAM Hubs
E106: Clarifying Copyright for the Classroom Teacher

Zoe P Midler - Embedded Librarianship-Internet@Schools

Tasha Bergson-Michelson - E102_Bergson-Michleson.docx (5 KB)

Gena Marker - E103_Marker.ppt (1 MB)

Howland & Faust - E104_Howland(2).pdf (84 KB)

Howland & Faust - E104_Howland(3).pdf (23 KB)

Howland & Faust - E104_Howland.pdf (66 KB)

Howland & Faust - E104_Howland(1).pdf (78 KB)

>>>Howland & Faust - E104_Howland.jpg (1 MB)
>>>Howland & Faust - E104_Howland(1).jpg (985 KB)

Melissa Techman - E105_Techman.pptx (22 MB)

Dr. Phyllis R. Snipes - Download presentation here

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Opening Keynote
The New Library Patron

Digital Interactions
A201: Digital Branch Design for Minimalists
A202: Transformers 4.5: University Digital Branch Library
A203: Working Digitally: Copyright & Student Tutorials
A204: Transforming Services: iPads, Ebooks, & Tablets
A205: Digital Crowd Funding: Kick-Start Your Next Project

Pietraszewski & Yeh - A202_Pietraszewski.pdf (5 MB)

Franny Lee - A203_Lee.pdf (3 MB)

Mikkelsen & McMunn-Tetangco - A203_Mikkelsen(1).ppt (5 MB)

Kerns & Kirker - A204_Kerns.pptx (2 MB)

Nicole Hennig - A204_Hennig.pdf (29 MB)

Nicole Hennig - A204_Hennig(1).pdf (101 KB)

Maoria Kirker - A204_Kirker.pptx (6 MB)

User Experience
B201: Beyond Task-Based Testing: Interviews & Personas
B202: Web Trends to Watch in 2014
B203: Usability Testing: On Board & on a Shoestring
B204: Creating a Cohesive User Experience
B205: Holistic UX: Applying Lessons From the Web Everywhere

Jodie Borgerding - B203_Borgerding.docx (18 KB)

Jodie Borgerding - B203_Borgerding(1).docx (16 KB)

>>>Jodie Borgerding - B203_Borgerding(1).ppsx (6 MB)
Jodie Borgerding - B203_Borgerding(2).docx (33 KB)

Sara O'Donnell - B203_ODonnell.pptx (9 MB)

Ginny M. Boyer - B204_Boyer.pptx (5 MB)

Enterprise 2.0 & Information Service
C201: Digitization & Social Media: Strategies & Tools
C202: Tech Tools for Engaging Communities
C203: Info Pro Skills for the Future
C204: Engagement Strategies in Turbulent Times
C205: Continuing the Engagement

Kenn Bicknell - C201_Bicknell.pdf (25 MB)

Shoesmith & Bonato - C202_Shoesmith.pptx (22 MB)

>>>Ruth A Kneale - C203_Kneale.pdf (2 MB)
David Diamond - C203_Diamond.pdf (1 MB)

Deb Hunt - C203_Hunt.pdf (1 MB)

Henshaw & Enriquez - C204_Henshaw.pptx (1 MB)

Cara Evans - C204_Evans.pptx (1 MB)

Amy Affelt - C205_Affelt.pptx (308 KB)

Planning for Engagement
D101: Designing Our Future
D202: Project Management
D203: Culture Change: Tips & Techniques
D204: Building a Digital Services Team
D205: From Tech-Shy to Savvy

Lewis Belfont - D101_Belfont.pdf (80 KB)

Lewis Belfont - D101_Belfont(1).pdf (30 KB)

Lewis Belfont - D101_Belfont.ppt (1 MB)

Annis Lee Adams - Download presentation here

Anne O'Shea - D204_OShea.ppt (3 MB)

Anne O'Shea - D204_OShea.pdf (132 KB)

Mary Katherine Akers - From Tech Shy to Tech Savvy

Mary Katherine Akers - Download presentation here

E201: Online Badges and Other Incentives—Get Motivational!
E202: Making a Difference With Social Action Research
E203: Ebooks, Nooks, and More—Projects, Prospects, and Perspectives on Ebooks in School
E204: Flipped Professional Development: Conquering Challenges of Time and Money
E205: Open Educational Resources and the Open Web

>>>Dr. Mary Ann Bell - E201_Bell(1).pptx (595 KB)
>>>Bell & Weimar - E201_Bell.pptx (12 MB)

Jean Hellwege - E202_Hellwege.pdf (32 MB)

Arriaga & Simons - E203_Arriaga.pptx (12 MB)

Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson.pptx (7 MB)

Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson.pdf (1 MB)

Tuesday Evening Session
Community Engagement Info Blitz

Willie Miller - 1930_Miller.pptx (5 MB)

Hess & Cooling-Mallard - 1930_Hess.pdf (1 MB)

CT-T1: Avoiding the Filter Bubble
CT-T2: Tools for Tapping into Social Media
CT-T3: Search the Rest: Audio, Video, & Images
CT-T4: Top Ten Techs to Watch in 2014
CT-T5: Cool Tools for Knowledge Sharing

Greg Notess - CT-T1_Notess.pptx (789 KB)

Greg Notess - CT-T3_Notess.pptx (836 KB)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Opening Keynote
Beyond Literacy: Exploring a Post-Literate Future

Mike Ridley - 0845_Ridley.pptx (17 MB)

Innovative & Edgy
A301: Building a Participatory Library
A302: Shifting Service Models
A303: Ebooks
A304: Breaking Down Library Walls With Augmented Reality

Jane Littlefield - A302_Littlefield.pdf (1 MB)

Jane Littlefield - A302_Littlefield.pptx (6 MB)

Todd-Diaz & Givens,_Jr - A304_Todd-Diaz.pptx (2 MB)

Givens,_Jr & Todd-Diaz - A304_Givens_Jr.pptx (2 MB)

Technology Under the Hood
B301: Libraries in the Cloud
B302: Open Source Solutions & Apps
B303: Retooling Tech: Screen Sharing & Virtualized Workspaces
B304: 50 More Great Apps for Patrons, Pros, & Newbies

Jim Peterson - B302_Peterson.ppt (34 MB)

Irving & Eissinger - B302_Irving.pptx (3 MB)

Richard Eissinger - Great Apps - Great Librarians

Kane & Schneidewind - B303_Kane.pptx (6 MB)

Emily A Almond - B303_Almond.pptx (23 MB)

Le & Duffy - B304_Le.pptx (4 MB)

Communities & Collaboration
C301: Communities: Tools for Digital Inclusion
C302: Building Google’s Power-Searching MOOCs
C303: Collaborative Cloud Strategies & Impacts
C304: Engaging the Local Musician Community Online: Playing in the Band

Kenley Neufeld - C303_Neufeld.pdf (3 MB)

David Dodd - C304_Dodd(1).ppt (4 MB)

Diane Cowen - C304_Cowen.ppt (17 MB)

Transforming Tools
D301: Managing Devices & Gadgets
D302: Digital Signage: Bridging the Divide
D303: Retooling Tools: Wikipedia and LibGuides
D304: Demand-Driven Acquisitions (DDA): How Good Are Your Users?

le_Conge_Ziesenhenne & Walters - D301_le_Conge_Ziesenhenne.pptx (19 MB)

Martha Walters - D301_Walters.pptx (2 MB)

Suzanna Conrad - D302_Conrad.pptx (15 MB)

Young Lee - D302_Lee.pdf (15 MB)

Marie Bloechle - D303_Bloechle.pptx (2 MB)

Chanitra Bishop - D303_Bishop.pdf (6 MB)

D'Couto & Guzzy - D304_DCouto.pptx (666 KB)

Digital Literacy & Beyond
E301: Closing the Digital Divide
E302: Digital Fluency
E303: Mobile Media, Early Literacy, & Digital Storytelling
E304: Digital Learning Objects (DLOs)

Jamie Hollier - E301_Hollier.pdf (8 MB)

Jamie Hollier - E301_Hollier.pptx (6 MB)

Mary Anne L Waltz - E301_Waltz.pptx (2 MB)

Mary Anne L Waltz - E301_Waltz.docx (90 KB)

Laurie Borchard - Digital Learning Objects

Borchard & Fidgeon - E304_Borchard.pdf (165 KB)

Anna Fidgeon - Digital Learning Objects Prezi Presentation

Fidgeon & Borchard - E304_Fidgeon.pdf (165 KB)

CT-W1: Mobile Apps 101
CT-W2: Mobile Apps: Doing ‘Em Right
CT-W3: Essential Skills for Info Pros!
CT-W4: Ebooks: Practical Tips & Tricks!

Closing Keynote
Community Engagement: Inspiring Insights & Stories