Joyce Johnston

Adjunct Professor
English Dept.
George Mason University

Picture of Joyce JohnstonAs a specialist in intellectual property, Joyce Johnston has written and spoken on issues of information access for more than 20 years. After a year as a regular contributor to the ALA’s Intellectual Freedom blog, she followed her first presentation at an Internet Librarian Conference by publishing an article based on her presentation in the April 2020 issue of Computers in Libraries. This year's double session explores the use of NFTs to secure intellectual property rights not only over print and media sources, but special collections items such as art, sculpture and music. Joyce also follows emergent issues in electronic information, beginning with digital copyright, then expanding to such issues as online civility, the right to be forgotten, net neutrality and use of social media by libraries to construct their virtual personas.  In her career as a Professor of English at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA, she teaches advanced research techniques to juniors and seniors in science, tech and business fields.

Internet Librarian 2022

Internet Librarian Connect 2021

Internet Librarian 2019