October 17-19 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

D303 - Library Discovery & Creation for Stakeholders

1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Ken Roberts, Consultant, Ken Roberts Library Consulting & Former Chief Librarian, Hamilton Public Library

As public libraries introduce makerspaces, discovery centers and innovation hubs, they often face opposition. Board members, staff, politicians and the public question why these services belong in public libraries. Libraries are often seen as places were ideas and knowledge are distributed, not as places of creation. Roberts traces how new, creation-based library services both return us to our roots and embrace the reasons public libraries were first formed. He emphasizes how public library services that stress personal discovery and creation mesh with the origins of public libraries and are central to their mission. The session is useful for those seeking to explain—in simple terms that honor our past—why library services that stress personal creativity are critical to our future.

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Knight Foundation

Gold Sponsors

Communico, LLC
Demco Software
Emerald Publishing
GOBI Library Solutions
Niche Academy
Recorded Books
Tind Technologies

Monday Networking Reception Sponsor

Knight Foundation

Break Sponsor

Knight Foundation

Association Sponsor

Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP)

Learning Partner

Special Libraries Association

Media Sponsors

Business Wire
Computers in Libraries Magazine
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Information Today
Internet@Schools Magazine
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