Tuesday, October 18, 2016
E205 - Reimagining a K–8 Library Program (Without All the Hype)
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.What does the school library of the future look like? Is it a stark, sterile space with no books? Is it filled with 3D printers and other digital technologies? Does it only exist virtually on a screen? Historically, library futurists, encouraged by a media fascinated with the death of print, have often been very wrong. At the Seven Hills School, a recent transition provided an opportunity to reassess the library program and make major changes that look to the future while honoring the important roles libraries have traditionally played. With these changes, the library is transitioning into a vibrant community hub for its stakeholders. Roquet discusses the successes and challenges the library has faced along the way and shares strategies for making high-impact changes with limited time and money.