Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Opening Keynote
Sharing Cultural & Civic Resources: OFBYFOR ALL

Search & Discovery
A101: Super Searcher Shares Tips!
A102: Search 8.0: Vocal, Graphical, & the Rise of AI
A103: Services, Tools, & Techniques for Discovery
A104: Enhancing Search & Discovery With Linked Data
A105: Pharma Research: Insights & Challenges

Mary Ellen Bates - A101_Bates.pptx (1 MB)

Greg Notess - A102_Notess.pptx (17 MB)

Roy Tennant - A104_Tennant.pptx (16 MB)

Jon Bentley - A105_Bentley.pptx (15 MB)

UX & Web Presence
B101: Designing the Web for the Future
B102: Transforming Library Experiences With User-Centered Design
B103: Website Design Winners & Losers!
B104: Web Design & UX: Color & Drupal
B105: Empowering UX: LibGuides, Discovery & Sites

Peter Morville - monterey_futureweb.pptx

Jon Bentley - B102_Bentley.pptx (5 MB)

Wilson & Diaz - B104_Wilson.pdf (2 MB)

Elaina M Norlin - B104_Norlin.pptx (627 KB)

Kenny Garcia - The A/B(C)s of Discovery System Usability

Dr. Randal Harrison - B105_Harrison.pptx (2 MB)

Customer Engagement: Strategies & Practices
C101: Content + Connection + Community = Contented Customers
C102: Survival Strategies for Community Libraries
C103: Making the Library Fun & Safe!
C104/105: Using the Web to Reach Out

David Lee King - C101_King.pdf (92 MB)

Koshelek & Kozinkiewicz - C102_Koshelek.pptx (3 MB)

Nicole Goff - C103_Goff.pptx (1 MB)

Chris Markman - C103_Markman.pptx (21 MB)

MacCartney & Myers - C103_MacCartney.pptx (2 MB)

MacCartney & Myers - C103_MacCartney.docx (24 KB)

Ward & Moore - C104-105_Ward.pptx (4 MB)

Evan Lynch - C104-105_Lynch.pptx (2 MB)

Cate McNamara - C104-105_McNamara.pptx (218 KB)

Models for Library Success
D101/102: Model for Private/Public Partners for Libraries
D103: Innovation & Excellence in Libraries: Copenhagen & Ontario Models
D104: Community Partnership Network for Youth
D105: School & Public Libraries Unite!

Yoko Hirose - D101-102_Hirose.pptx (2 MB)

Hirose & Takahashi - D101-102_Hirose(1).pptx (49 MB)

Sanne Caft - D103_Caft.pptx (1 MB)

Julia Daniel Walkuski - D104_Daniel_Walkuski.pdf (1 MB)

E101: Future-Ready?
E102: Emerging Literacies
E103: DiscoVR Beyond Expeditions
E104: Building Better Ideas
E105: Future-Ready OER: Trends & Strategies

Brian Pichman - E101_Pichman.pdf (11 MB)

Jane Lofton - Emerging Literacies Presentation

Dr. Cynthia Jimes - E105_Jimes.pptx (1 MB)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Tomorrow’s Architects

Peter Morville - monterey_architects.pptx

Content Management
A201: Brainstorming a CM Program
A202: Digitizing & Archiving
A203: Crawled & Collected, Now Access & Discovery in Web Archives
Break in the Sponsor Showcase
A204: Big Data, Libraries, & Privacy
A205: Digital Archive From Scratch

Susie Kopecky - A202_Kopecky.pdf (5 MB)

Susie Kopecky - A202_Kopecky.pptx (6 MB)

Jillian Lohndorf - Download presentation here

Andrew Weiss - A204_Weiss.pptx (15 MB)

Solomon Blaylock - A205_Blaylock.pptx (1 MB)

Tech Tools
B201: Tracking Emerging Tech Trends
B202: Library Tech Industry Update & Trends
B203: Microservices: Architecture & Apps
Break in the Sponsor Showcase
B204/205: Blockchain & Opportunities for Libraries

David Lee King - B201_King.pdf (20 MB)

Enterprise: Tools, Tech & New Rules
C201: Grow, Experiment & Learn: Microsoft Library Evolution
C202: Altmetrics & Effectiveness
C203: Trusted Advisor 2.0 & ROI of KM
Break in the Sponsor Showcase
C204: Bibliometrics, Planning, & Shooting for the Stars!
C205: Visualizing Value

Partridge & Cloutier - C201_Partridge.pptx (78 MB)

Spinner & Rasmussen - C202_Spinner.pptx (13 MB)

Krista Ford - C203_Ford(1).pptx (180 KB)

West & Ponte - C205_West.pptx (6 MB)

Marketing for Awareness & Impact
D201: Library Competition: Take It Seriously!
D202: You Don’t Need to Own It: Lessons From Unicorn Category Killers
D203: It’s All About Story
Break in the Sponsor Showcase
D204: Learning from Customers/Patrons/Users/Clients
D205: Google Analytics & My Business

Amy Affelt - D202_Affelt.pptx (12 MB)

Jeromy Wilson - D204_Wilson.pptx (5 MB)

Trey Gordner - D205_Gordner.pdf (2 MB)

E201: Telling the Library Story: Messaging & Media Strategies
E202: What Students Say About Libraries
E203: Laptops for Everyone
Break in the Sponsor Showcase
E204: Critical Digital Citizenship for School Libraries
E205: Multimedia Tools

Carolyn Foote - E202_Foote.pdf (9 MB)

Sherri Wilcox Crawford - Laptops for Everyone

Wednesday Evening Session
Are Librarians Smarter Than a Machine?

David Lee King - 1930_King.pdf (26 MB)

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Market Impact: Creating Positive Outcomes & Actions

Susan Bailey Schramm - 0845_Schramm.pptx (1 MB)

Innovation & Reinvention!
A302: Beyond Thunderdome: Robots, Knowledge Creation, & Innovation
A303: Retooling Academic Librarians
A304: Discovery Kiosks: Creating Intuitive, Innovative, & Interactive UX

Kerry Sullivan - A303_Sullivan.pptx (23 MB)

Yunmi Hwang - A304_Hwang.pptx (5 MB)

Yunmi Hwang - RHPL_Internet Librarian

Makerspaces: Tips & Practices
B301/302: From Makerspace to Solve Space: A Road Map
B303: Makerspaces & Collaboration
B304: What’s Next? Post Makerspace

Chad Mairn - B301-302_Mairn.pptx (55 MB)

Pichman, Colegrove, Considine & Mairn - B301-302_Pichman.pdf (16 MB)

Susie Kopecky - B303_Kopecky.pptx (26 MB)

Susie Kopecky - B303_Kopecky.pdf (3 MB)

Isis Leininger - B303_Leininger_Kovalcik

Brian Pichman - B304_Pichman.pdf (9 MB)

C301: Library: A Strategic Asset Hidden in Plain Sight
C302: What Our Library Stopped Doing!
C303: Measure the Future: Next-Gen Metrics for Libraries
C304: Changing Stakeholder Expectations for Library Value

Harden & Price - C301_Harden.pptx (45 MB)

Rebecca Jones - C302_Jones.pdf (2 MB)

Libraries & the Video Era
D301: Immersive Video Displays = Site for Public Storytelling
D302: Integrating iPad Kiosk Tech & Photos
D303/304: Video Tools, Creation & Impact

David Lee King - D303-304_King.pdf (48 MB)

>>>Robert Nelson - D303-304_Nelson.mov (142 MB)
Elaina M Norlin - D303-304_Norlin.pptx (301 KB)

Smart Community Partnerships
E301/302: Building a Smart Academic or Community Campus
E303: Ebooks: Partners, Platforms & Tools
E304: Stronger Together: Public/Private Partnerships

Hoffmann & Abbott - E303_Hoffmann.pptx (6 MB)

Allen & Newman - E304_Allen.pdf (903 KB)

Closing Keynote Panel
Libraries’ Biggest Challenges & Solutions for the Future