Internet Librarian 2018 Schedule
Preconference Workshops - Monday, October 15, 2018
Cannery Row Walking Tour
Games, Gadgets, & MakerSpaces: Bingo Night!
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Track A
Track B
Track C
Track D
Track E
Sharing Cultural & Civic Resources: OFBYFOR ALL
Coffee Break in the Sponsor Showcase
Super Searcher Shares Tips!
Search 8.0: Vocal, Graphical, & the Rise of AI
Content + Connection + Community = Contented Customers
Survival Strategies for Community Libraries
Model for Private/Public Partners for Libraries
Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit Sponsors
Services, Tools, & Techniques for Discovery
Website Design Winners & Losers!
Making the Library Fun & Safe!
DiscoVR Beyond Expeditions
Break in the Sponsor Showcase
Enhancing Search & Discovery With Linked Data
Pharma Research: Insights & Challenges
Using the Web to Reach Out
Networking Reception in the Sponsor Showcase
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Track A
Track B
Track C
Track D
Track E
Tomorrow’s Architects
Coffee Break in the Sponsor Showcase
Grow, Experiment & Learn: Microsoft Library Evolution
Altmetrics & Effectiveness
Telling the Library Story: Messaging & Media Strategies
What Students Say About Libraries
Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit Sponsors
Microservices: Architecture & Apps
Trusted Advisor 2.0 & ROI of KM
It’s All About Story
Laptops for Everyone
Break in the Sponsor Showcase
Blockchain & Opportunities for Libraries
Learning from Customers/Patrons/Users/Clients
Google Analytics & My Business
Are Librarians Smarter Than a Machine?
Artificial intelligence (AI) helps the learning curve for machines. Curiosity and knowing the location of endless resources support librarians. Get some facts in a fun atmosphere, see some interesting demos, watch the competition, and vote for the smartest! See Amazon Echo & Echo Dot Kids–Alexa, iPhone Siri, Google Home, and Dewey (Palo Alto City Library Robot) pitted against library industry stars! Bring your smart phone/computer too!
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Track A
Track B
Track C
Track D
Track E
Market Impact: Creating Positive Outcomes & Actions
Coffee Break
From Makerspace to Solve Space: A Road Map
Library: A Strategic Asset Hidden in Plain Sight
What Our Library Stopped Doing!
Immersive Video Displays = Site for Public Storytelling
Integrating iPad Kiosk Tech & Photos
Building a Smart Academic or Community Campus
Lunch Break
Video Tools, Creation & Impact
Ebooks: Partners, Platforms & Tools
Stronger Together: Public/Private Partnerships
Libraries’ Biggest Challenges & Solutions for the Future
Connecting with our communities, looking ahead, taking advantage of partnerships, understanding demographics. As Internet librarians and and information professionals, what are our biggest challenges and opportunities for the future? Our panel from different communities share their thoughts and ideas and hopefully spark some insights for experimenting and trying something new in your community.