October 23-25 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
Workshops Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Internet@Schools Program [PDF]

Monday, October 23, 2017

Opening Keynote

Opening Keynote: Mix It Up for ROI Secret Sauce!

8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Eric Chan, ✎ ▷ I G I T A L . △ R T I S △ N  , EEPMON

EEPMON is a Millennial hybrid new media artist exploring the creative intersections through the usages of art and technology. He has collaborated and worked with various projects both in art and technology with firms and galleries across North America, the U.K., and Asia. He has held several shows and won awards internationally. He says, “Technology provides a new area for innovators and artists to experiment and develop new modes of creative expression.” He sees the computer as an artistic tool, just like the paintbrush, and with a desire only a truly passionate artist could have, set out to generate dense, dynamic, and beautiful digital graphic compositions that attracted clients such as Marvel, Canada Goose, Microsoft Xbox, and the Canada Science and Technology Museum. His creative and innovative nature is inspiring and has allowed him to transform retail stores into art exhibitions for his creations, combine open-data weather and color to create artistic works, and more. Currently EEPMON is doing his digital artist in residence at Algonquin College Applied Research and Innovation Center in Ottawa, Canada. Follow him on social media: EEPMON or his website at www.eepmon.com.

Coffee Break in the Sponsor Showcase

9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Track A - Discovery, Navigation, & Search

Information overload, tons of tools, and a variety of content quality— how do we cope and find techniques for our research and that of our customers? Our experts and practitioners share the latest tips and tricks for discovering, navigating, and searching for the information you and your customers need and want!

Moderator: Jim Tchobanoff, President, Tchobanoff Research & Consulting

A101 - Search Tips

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Mary Ellen Bates, Principal, Bates Information Services, Inc.

Our popular and knowledgeable speaker is an annual favorite attendees flock to hear! She is a super searcher who continues to surprise and impress with new strategies, techniques, and tips for getting the most out of web research. The host of Searchers Academy (where even more secrets are shared) provides an upto- the minute and jam-packed-with-valuable-tools-and-tips talk that’s always a hit! Bates tells us she takes 2 days to research this session, so take advantage of her knowledge and gather tips and tools to share with others!

A102 - Apps, Sites, & Tools

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Gary Price, Co-Founder & Editor, infoDOCKET & FullTextReports

Our eagle-eyed industry watcher talks about how to find good apps and shares a number of apps that library customers, info pros, and newbies will want to check out. He also shares the top sites and tools that info pros and searchers will be anxious to try. Come and benefit from his vast knowledge and gather tips and tools to share with others.

LUNCH BREAK - A Chance to Visit Sponsors

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

A103 - Practitioners Panel: Search Tips & Millennial Searcher Secrets

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Kudirat Abiola Adegoke, ICT Librarian, ICT Division, Abdullahi Fodiyo Library Complex, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Nigeria
Amy Affelt, Director, Database Research, Worldwide, Compass Lexecon & Author, The Accidental Data Scientist: Big Data Applications & Opportunities for Librarians & Information Professionals
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group & Author, Deep Text

This fast-paced session features a panel of practitioners and a Millennial searcher who share their search techniques and strategies, approaches to fake news, and more. Adegoke starts with searching tips. With “post-truth” as Oxford Dictionaries’ Word of the Year for 2016, and “fake news” pulling thousands of articles on Factiva, Affelt discusses IFLA’s infographic, Reuters editor-in-chief Steve Adler’s edict of best practices, and other techniques to assist public librarians helping patrons to avoid falling victim to scams and hoaxes; news librarians guiding reporters through the minefield of this Brave New World; academic librarians tasked with ensuring sound science and intellectual thought; and corporate or law firm librarians working on highstakes deals or litigation to avoid the “permanent exclusive” (first but wrong). Reamy describes the use of a number of text analytics approaches that range from comparing patterns of words that can distinguish fake news from real to categorizing the content of news more accurately and consistently, thus flagging inappropriate news.

BREAK in the Sponsor Showcase

2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

A104 - Future Watch: Coming AI Tools for Libraries

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Stephen Abram, CEO, Lighthouse Consulting, Inc.
Gary Price, Co-Founder & Editor, infoDOCKET & FullTextReports

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the next big things. It’s being used in many industries, and libraries need to keep their eye on the coming possibilities for AI. For instance, how can libraries use chatbots?  Our industry watchers and writers share the things we should be watching and studying as tools for the future.

A105 - Secret Sauce of Search

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Marydee Ojala, Editor-in-Chief, KMWorld Magazine & & Editor, Enterprise AI World

Search isn’t magic, but knowing some magic tricks can help you be a better searcher, coach, and instructor. Internet Librarians have long considered advanced search features to be an integral part of their toolkit. As web search engines degrade or disable these features, new tricks are needed. The shift in search from simple information retrieval to visualization, prediction, analysis, and cognitive computing changes where we search, what we expect to find, and how we teach others about search.

NETWORKING RECEPTION in the Sponsor Showcase

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Information Today, Inc. invites all conference registrants and exhibitors to this special Networking Reception in the Sponsor Showcase. This is a great time to gather with fellow Internet Librarians and suppliers, renew acquaintances, meet new colleagues, sample tasty goodies, and check out the latest products and services in a relaxed atmosphere.

Track B - Web Site Usability & Functionality

From dealing with content, redesign, re-architecture to using video creatively, this track features tools, techniques, as well as stories about what has worked (and not worked) from a number of experienced practitioners.

Moderator: Cindy Hill, Volunteer & Retired Senior Research Library Manager, Hill Information Consulting

B101 - Content & Features Reno: Less Is More

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Charles Morris, Lead Web Developer, Information Technology: Discovery, Access and Web Services, Penn State University Libraries

The libraries’ web team recently completed an 18-month redesign, re-architecture and platform migration of the Penn State University Libraries website. The result? A services-focused site that connects users with the content they need more easily and efficiently. In the process, the team cut the amount of content tenfold, reduced the number of authors by hundreds, simplified the author workflow, streamlined its web governance and laser- focused the development process on functionality that could be re-created for items such as hours of operation, alerts, and external service integrations. Presenters provide details on the planning, development, and rolling migration process, highlighting what worked and what didn’t, and how they achieved stakeholder buy-in as they reduced web overhead. Hear how the team plans to sustain what they have achieved, their next steps in iterating on what was accomplished, and tactics for continuing to make the site better for users.

B102 - Rockin’ the Small Screen: Video in the Library

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
David Lee King, Digital Services Director, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library & Author, & Publisher, davidleeking.com

Video on the web is one of today’s hottest social networking trends. But what can online videos do for your library? Why use video on your library’s website and social media channels? This presentation explores the reasons behind making videos to promote your library and to engage with your customers. Come explore ways to use video for outreach and learning through a variety of case studies, discover tips on what types of content works best, and learn what to consider when planning for and implementing a video presence at your library.

LUNCH BREAK - A Chance to Visit Sponsors

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

B103 - Successful Website Tools & Techniques

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Deirdre Costello, Director, UX Research, EBSCO Information Services
Jeff Wisniewski, Associate University Librarian for Communications & Technology, University of Pittsburgh
Kendall Hinesley, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Mount Saint Mary's University
Graham Lavender, Associate Librarian, The Michener Institute of Education at UHN

Costello discusses the use of enthographic research and how to use this method to reach out and gather data to learn how people use our websites. She describes using the Harry Potter characters to represent styles—Hermione Granger’s (what we all hope and aim to teach), Ron Weasley’s (our reality sometimes), and more. Wisniewski describes the customer journey mapping technique and how it brings stakeholders together to determine priority actions. He shares a case study using his academic institution. Hinesley discusses the various tools and techniques used in a recent redesign of architecture and navigation at CSU’s website. Having a streamlined architecture based on actual user behavior and preferences is essential to the usability of a website and he shares lessons learned. Lavender discusses the redesign of the Michener Learning Resource Centre’s website, and the sites of related departments, through the lens of user experience.

BREAK in the Sponsor Showcase

2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

B104 - The Right Ingredients Make a Great Mobile Site

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Roy Degler, Associate Professor, Digital Library Services, Digital Resources and Discovery Services, Oklahoma State University Libraries
Jeff Wisniewski, Associate University Librarian for Communications & Technology, University of Pittsburgh

Degler discusses frameworks necessary for mobile sites, including how to choose them, and examples of those used by libraries and other organizations. Wisniewski talks about mobile usability testing sharing proven tips and techniques.

B105 - Flipping to the Same Page: Platform Assessment

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Jason Dean Henderson, Digital Services Librarian, Oklahoma State University Library
Roy Degler, Associate Professor, Digital Library Services, Digital Resources and Discovery Services, Oklahoma State University Libraries
Whitney Vitale, Assistant Head, Access Services, Oklahoma State University, Edmon Low Library

Hear how the OSU Library has been using Springshare’s LibAnswers knowledgebase as a platform to help monitor and manage patrons’ online contact with the library. The product was chosen in large part for its “ticketing” functionality, which allows library staff to seamlessly refer patron queries among various departments, while maintaining records of these interactions. While the product has been embraced by some departments within the library, others opted to utilize only some elements of the system, while others declined to use the system in any capacity. In order to determine the cause of and possibly rectify this scattered usage, librarians from Access Services and Digital Library Services developed an assessment project to appraise product effectiveness and user familiarity with the LibAnswers knowledgebase within the OSU Libraries. Assessment techniques used included focus groups of library staff users, transcript reviews, and internal library and external user satisfaction surveys. The results of this project will be used to improve inter-departmental usage of the product and to inform implementation of new workflows and product configuration settings that will increase overall library efficiency and provide enhanced value for our library users.

NETWORKING RECEPTION in the Sponsor Showcase

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Information Today, Inc. invites all conference registrants and exhibitors to this special Networking Reception in the Sponsor Showcase. This is a great time to gather with fellow Internet Librarians and suppliers, renew acquaintances, meet new colleagues, sample tasty goodies, and check out the latest products and services in a relaxed atmosphere.

Track C - Community Engagement

This track focuses on innovative ways to connect with your community including creative makeovers; using blogs, music, art, and play; revitalizing a campus; and utilizing Google to engage your community. Hear from our experienced practitioners and take away ideas to use in your community.

Moderator: Kathryn Dilworth, Assistant Dean of Advancement and External Relations, College of Science and Mathematics, Cal Poly & Author, Fundraising for the Academic Library: Philanthropy in Higher Education

C101 - From Idea to Initiative: Innovation on Demand

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Erik Boekesteijn, Senior Advisor, National Library of the Netherlands

Our very creative and experienced speaker shares the national program in the Netherlands, which brings creative makeovers to many communities. Get tips and techniques to use in your area.

C102 - Building Healthy Communities

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Bobbi L. Newman, University of Iowa & Author, Fostering Wellness in the Workplace

Health is the second-most-popular subject of an online search and eight of 10 online health inquiries start at a search engine. In 62% of communities in the U.S., public libraries are the only provider of free public access to computers and the internet. Only 24% of public libraries offer classes on accessing online health and wellness information. How do we ensure public libraries are prepared to meet the health information needs of their communities? Hear from one organization that offers free training, resources, and funding for health-related projects to build healthy communities.

LUNCH BREAK - A Chance to Visit Sponsors

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

C103 - Community Journeys: Blogs, Music, Art, & Play

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Beth McGough, Communications and Creative Services Manager, ProQuest
Courtney Suicu, Marketing Communications Specialist, ProQuest
Francine Alt-Greene, IT Project Manager, Library IT, Hennepin County & PMP, MLIS
Valerie Wonder, Community Engagement Manager, The Seattle Public Library
Karen McBride, Public Information Manager, Barrington Area Library

This session features three journeys to community engagement. “All stories consist of a few common structural elements found universally in myths, fairy tales, dreams, and movies. They are known collectively as The Hero’s Journey,” writes Christopher Vogler in “The Writer’s Journey.” Storytelling isn’t just for books and screenplays, it’s an essential component of engaging blog posts, About Us pages, and branding. Get real-world examples of how storytelling has transformed the ProQuest Blog, increasing visits more than 50% over the course of a year. In the thriving music scenes of Minneapolis, Minn., and Seattle Washington, these libraries had a wonderful opportunity to engage the community while promoting itself with the implementation of a local music online system. Hear about its research, contract with a vendor for the application, submission of music, jury for music, going live, and audience reaction. As part of a long-overdue renovation process, the Barrington Area Library decided to “proceed with abandon” (sage advice from Patti Smith) and experiment with large-scale, site-specific, immersive art installations, and a museum-quality children’s department including an Imagination Playground and digital interactives. From a funeral for old technology to a giant coloring mural, collaborations with world-class artists, and kids who ask librarians to photograph their creative work for social media and video sharing, the result has been a powerful burst of community building and creativity, as well as a redefinition of what a public library’s purpose truly is.

BREAK in the Sponsor Showcase

2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

C104 - Interoperable Platforms & Linked Data

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Roy Tennant, Speaker, Writer, Consultant, OCLC

Linked data has been getting a lot of hype in the library world and elsewhere. But is it just hype or is there really something there worth knowing about? This session focuses on exactly what linked data might have to offer for our library metadata future and, more importantly, the user services which depend on our data. What new kinds of services and user interactions become possible with linked data? How will this impact our bibliographic universe? Appropriate for anyone working in a library, these questions and more are tackled by our expert big thinker!

C105 - Engaging the Campus to Revolutionize the Library

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Julia Daniel-Walkuski, Manager, Systems Department, Mardigian Library, University of Michigan – Dearborn
Patrick Armatis, Systems Administrator, University of Michigan – Dearborn

This interactive presentation discusses steps taken by the administration of the Mardigian Library during the 2014 academic year to engage the university campus in a broad conversation regarding the library’s role and services to the community. A cross-functional, campus-wide taskforce gathered input and recommended key elements essential to revolutionizing the library’s position as a valued partner in the academic mission and metropolitan vision of the university. Building on best practices from other university campuses, a review of the literature, and input from campus constituencies, the team also partnered with BrightSpot, an innovation consultant, to further develop recommendations for learning spaces, digital presence, technology, and collaboration spaces. Using a series of learning space and service design exercises, attendees gain experience with how to engage library staff and their broader communities in thinking differently about their library. New services (3D printing), spaces (experimental active learning classrooms), and campus collaborations based on results from the engagement process are discussed.

NETWORKING RECEPTION in the Sponsor Showcase

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Information Today, Inc. invites all conference registrants and exhibitors to this special Networking Reception in the Sponsor Showcase. This is a great time to gather with fellow Internet Librarians and suppliers, renew acquaintances, meet new colleagues, sample tasty goodies, and check out the latest products and services in a relaxed atmosphere.

Track D - Virtual Worlds & Libraries

Hear about Metaverse libraries, virtual communities, virtual reality and augmented reality projects, and more in this leading edge of technology focused discussion!

Moderator: Chad Mairn, Professor | Librarian, Innovation Lab, St. Petersburg College

D101 - Metaverse Libraries: The Virtual Communities Resources Network

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Alyse Dunavant-Jones, Graduate Student, M.L.I.S., San Jose State University, School of Information

The Metaverse is made up of countless virtual worlds and platforms hosting robust library and education communities, many of which are unaware that others exist. In addition, information professionals and educators uninvolved with virtual worlds are unaware of high-quality Metaverse resources. Understanding the potential for learning in these and emerging virtual spaces and the benefits for sharing resources (including communities available for users to join) is essential to libraries and educators of the future. Metaverse Libraries was formed in 2016, championed by the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Community Virtual Library, and is a combined effort among educators and information professionals that strives to connect high-quality, education-oriented virtual communities as resources and to embed information literacy (or metaliteracy) in immersive learning. Get an introduction to three active virtual library communities across the Metaverse (Community Virtual Library in Kitely and Second Life, Community Library in InWorldz, and Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration in Second Life), hear how Metaverse Libraries is breaking Metaverse boundaries to connect these and other educational communities, and learn about the group’s online Virtual World Communities Database, an initiative to raise awareness of and increase access to high-quality educational virtual world resources.

D102 - Digital Immersion: VR & AR as Library Services?

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Michael Groenendyk, Liaison Librarian for Entrepreneurship, McGill University
David Greene, Liaison Librarian for Communications and Media Studies, McGill University Library

In January of 2017, the McGill Library acquired an Oculus Rift, an HTC Vive headset, and a Microsoft HoloLens. These products were made available to students and faculty members through a library space called the Research Commons. The Research Commons already featured technology commonly found in library makerspaces such as 3D printers, 3D scanners, Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi kits, and a data visualization wall, but developing a library service involving virtual and augmented reality technology proved to be a challenge of its own. This presentation explores the difficulties faced by the McGill Library in developing a virtual and augmented reality-based library service. Hear about the many issues we ran into while building out this service, such as finding staff members who were comfortable working with the technology, and properly securing the various pieces of loose, expensive equipment. Learn about who the users of our new service are, how they use the library’s equipment for their own personal and academic projects and the various workshops and events held at the library to promote the service, and what type of response these events received. Get their opinion as to whether or not the attempt to bring virtual and augmented reality technology into the McGill Library was worthwhile.

LUNCH BREAK - A Chance to Visit Sponsors

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

D103 - What’s Real About Virtual Reality?

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Sara Jones, Library Director, Marin County Free Library & President, CALIFA
John MacLeod, President, New Media Learning
Paula MacKinnon, Interim Director, Califa Group

Virtual augmented reality (VAR) technology is emerging as the new medium for 21st-century learning. VAR immersive experiences are now feasible and available with new technology, interfaces, and software being released daily. California Libraries are testing and using VR and VAR in a project funded by the California State Library. Greg Lucas, State Librarian, funded multiple installations of VR and VAR systems in Marin County Libraries serving underserved communities. After the successful pilot in Marin, the California State Library; CALIFA; Marin County Free Library; and New Media Learning, a nonprofit learning organization based in Marin County, deployed a California statewide expansion to more than 100 libraries, creating the largest installed base of VR systems in libraries. This network builds an archive of shared experiences and best practices. A critical component is that the project has partnerships with the tech companies in VR and VAR development including Oculus and VIVE and multiple content providers with an education and learning focus. The partners describe the project and demonstrate how public libraries are positioned to be one of the catalysts for community engagement and VAR content development.

BREAK in the Sponsor Showcase

2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

D104 - Navigating VR: Supporting Emerging Tech in the Library

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Valerie Lutes, Research & Instruction Librarian, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University– Commerce
Sarah H Northam, Head, Research & Instruction Services, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University– Commerce
Sean Anderson, Technology Librarian/Library Webmaster, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Edward Iglesias, Head of Digital Strategies and Content Discovery, Stephen F. Austin State University

Hear how one academic library recently invested in the creation of a Virtual Learning Lab, an innovative library learning space featuring cutting-edge zSpace virtual reality (VR) technology. The speakers address the exciting timeline of events that took place in order to make the launch of this brand new library space and equipment a success on campus. They examine the development of the lab and the technology selection, the marketing launch and efforts to engage and sustain interest, how librarians developed instruction methods for the zSpace technology, and how partnerships are developing with academic departments on campus to integrate virtual learning into their curriculum. Then hear how another university library linked the idea of transformative learning experiences with the creation of a VR-based makerspace. The idea was to have a complete ecosystem where students could create digital objects, view them in VR, and, in some cases, print them out. After 9 months in operation, hear their lessons learned and practical advice for anyone wishing to implement similar technologies in their own libraries.

D105 - VR for Teens

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Michelle Amores, Division Manager, San Jose Public Library
Leizel Jackson Case, TeenHQ Librarian, San Jose Public Library

Learn from our early adopters of VR tech how to mount an engaging program for teens and other segments of the community using new technology – virtual reality.

These programs are growing in libraries so get all the tips and techniques for being successful in your community!

NETWORKING RECEPTION in the Sponsor Showcase

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Information Today, Inc. invites all conference registrants and exhibitors to this special Networking Reception in the Sponsor Showcase. This is a great time to gather with fellow Internet Librarians and suppliers, renew acquaintances, meet new colleagues, sample tasty goodies, and check out the latest products and services in a relaxed atmosphere.

Track E - Internet@Schools

For Day 1 of the 2-day, K–12-focused Internet@Schools track, the topics are “radical” information literacy, VR for schools, student approaches to source evaluation, school/public library collaboration, and the art and science of infographics.

David Hoffman, Co-Chair for the Internet@Schools Track, Information Today, Inc.
Carolyn Foote, Library Consultant, Free Range Librarian

E101 - Disturbing the Comfortable: Radical Information Literacy in School Libraries

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Mark Roquet, Outreach and Programming Librarian, Yolo County Library

School librarianship has seen renewed interest as a potential corrective to “fake news” and other recent (real and perceived) information literacy failures. The internet has weakened traditional journalism, altered the economics of academic publishing and content production, created new networks of bigotry and disinformation, and, at least in theory, empowered young people around the world with immediate access to information and new tools to share their own knowledge and identities. But by largely hewing to traditional notions of bias, authority, and the nature of academic and civic engagement, school librarians may have reinforced existing inequalities and made themselves less relevant in the world our students will face. Can we transform information literacy instruction to help create the world we want to live in? Join us to discuss what these changes might look like and how we can implement them in school libraries.

E102 - Is It Real or Is It VR? Exploring AR & VR Tools

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Carolyn Foote, Library Consultant, Free Range Librarian

Explore the best of emerging apps and tools for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) and their potential in this introductory session. Consider a variety of apps and tools and how apps such Quiver, NYT VR, and Discovery VR can be incorporated into the library or curriculum in meaningful ways. How can libraries support the use of these tools, and what questions should we be asking? Lastly, identify ways libraries can be engaging in action research to further understanding of the impacts of VR and AR tools.

LUNCH BREAK - A Chance to Visit Sponsors

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

E103 - Teaching Students to Distinguish Evidence From Argument

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Tasha Bergson-Michelson, Instructional and Programming Librarian, Castilleja School
Sara Zoroufy, Research Teaching Assistant, Castilleja School, Palo Alto, Calif.

When students pick up a nonfiction text, they tend to approach it either as offering an opinion or presenting evidence. In reality, sources contain both elements. Library instruction often assumes that when students evaluate sources, they naturally know how to distinguish between the two. Join our speakers for this hands-on session, where you can share your practices and explore new ways to teach this critical skill that often gets lost in the shuffle.

BREAK in the Sponsor Showcase

2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

E104 - Learning at the Speed of Technology

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
David Jakes, Founder and Chief Design Officer, David Jakes Designs LLC

Our students have access to remarkable technology. From smartphones to everything Google, how technology is leveraged to support student learning is a question every library and school must address. Join David Jakes as he explores the dynamic nature of technology and helps you understand the tools and trends that are reshaping what it means to be a learner in a learning landscape always in perpetual beta. Explore the boundless conditions that students have before them to craft their own learning expedition with technology and the role that libraries have in empowering that journey. Most importantly, see how school libraries can embrace an innovation mindset that can support and prepare students for the opportunity of possibility.

E105 - Infographic Pitfalls: Fake Data, Foolish Claims, & Eye Candy

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Debbie Abilock, author, speaker, NoodleTools, Inc.

Student infographics are often attractive visual collages of statistics and facts instead of a synthesis of learning. In this session, Debbie addresses pedagogy behind the creation of infographics, including the data and visual literacy skills and source evaluation strategies needed by students to create a synthesized visual argument.

NETWORKING RECEPTION in the Sponsor Showcase

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Information Today, Inc. invites all conference registrants and exhibitors to this special Networking Reception in the Sponsor Showcase. This is a great time to gather with fellow Internet Librarians and suppliers, renew acquaintances, meet new colleagues, sample tasty goodies, and check out the latest products and services in a relaxed atmosphere.

Workshops Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Internet@Schools Program [PDF]

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Internet@Schools Track

Diamond Sponsor

Knight Foundation

Platinum Sponsor

Library Market

Gold Sponsors

Baker & Taylor
Demco Software
Emerald Publishing
NewsBank, inc.
SAGE Publishing

Break Sponsor

Knight Foundation

Networking Reception Sponsor

Knight Foundation

Evening Session Sponsor


Learning Partner

Special Libraries Association

Association Sponsor

Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP)

Media Sponsors

Computers in Libraries Magazine
Information Today
Internet@Schools Magazine
Marketing Library Services
Online Searcher