Connect with Amanda Bosch

Amanda Bosch

Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship Librarian
Catawba College, USA

Amanda holds a BSEd from the University of Georgia and began her educational career as a High School English teacher in Beaufort, SC where she began to develop curriculum and integrate emerging technologies into her English II and III classes. This interest led her to pursue and complete an MLIS from the University of South Carolina and serve as an elementary media specialist in both South and North Carolina. Professor Bosch began her career at Catawba College serving as Director of the Curriculum Materials Center, creating an Educational Technologies course which has developed into Introduction to Education and Teaching Technologies. Most recently, she has transitioned to become the Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship Librarian and ihas completed a Micromasters in Instructional Design. Professor Bosch will also be designing and opening a Digital Learning Lab this year to implement digital pedagogy instructional strategies across the curriculum.

Internet Librarian 2019

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