October 26-28 Monterey Marriott
Monterey, California
Workshops Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Internet@Schools CyberTours Program PDF

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Opening Keynote

Trends In Tech & Biz

8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Jean Claude Monney, Digital Workplace & KM Advisor, The Monney Group, LLC

As we explore new roles and directions for libraries and the information services, what can we learn from the technology and business? Hear from a long-time knowledge manager and thought leader who works in the world of technology but understands the information service business.  Be inspired by this speaker and pick up new ideas for morphing your roles and directions for the future.

COFFEE BREAK: A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Track A - Info Service Biz: New Models & Roles

Libraries and information services have entered a new era that demands new strategies, service models, operations, measures, roles, and mindsets. Join us for Day 2 of looking at how to balance what's always been valued with what's now expected and critical for the new biz we're in.

Moderator: Moe Hosseini-Ara, Director, Branch Operations & Customer Experience, Toronto Public Library

A301 - Fitting New Service Models Into Small Libraries

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Ken Roberts, Consultant, Ken Roberts Library Consulting & Former Chief Librarian, Hamilton Public Library

Library reports repeatedly outline new, emerging roles for public libraries that stress library as place and a creative collaboration community hub. These new service models fit more easily in larger library buildings in urban communities. How, though, do rural library systems, with small physical buildings, adapt new service models to fit their more limited physical space? The Canadian provinces and territories have launched a national initiative to look at best practices and potential service models that translate trends into reality for small library systems with sometimes inadequate library facilities. Roberts heads the project and shares what inspired this project and the major findings.

A302 - Analytics & Big Data for the Info Service Biz

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Dr. Frank Cervone, Program Coordinator, Information Science and Data Analytics, San Jose State University

With the collection of large-scale datasets, the tools and methods related to large-scale data are changing as well. While older technologies can be adapted for some purposes, new tools such as NoSQL databases, the Hadoop processing environment, and programming languages such as Pig are becoming important tools for the data and information analyst. Learn what all the terminology means and what tools to use to begin to develop your Big Data and analytics environment.

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

A303 - New Services Drive New Workflows: Infoblitz

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Frances Devlin, Graduate Services Librarian, Research & Learning Division, University of Kansas Libraries
Betsaida Reyes, Librarian for Spanish, Portuguese, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies, University of Kansas Libraries
Jon Giullian, Associate Librarian for Slavic & Eurasian Studies & Co-Author, Head, International Collections, University of Kansas Libraries
Danielle Kane, Research Librarian for Emerging Technologies and Service Innovation, Public Services, University of California, Irvine
Jeff Schneidewind, Emerging Technologies Research Specialist, University of California, Irvine Libraries
Audrey Welber, Librarian, Teaching & Research, Princeton University

Lightning talks from three university libraries on how each is trans- forming services and, as a result, work processes and roles. University of Kansas Libraries opened a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) in June 2014, with library faculty and staff using tablets in their daily work; hear its findings of innovative uses and best practices of tablets in different library units. UC Irvine Libraries describe the implementation of its own library conversation agent, ANTswers, its analysis of the type of information to be gained from reviewing the conversation logs, and the impact of a chatbot on various library staff roles. Princeton University Library describes its use of a chat client/ widget in combination with Skype's voice and screenshare, including pitfalls and successes of various staffing models.

A304 - Pick the Targets: Services & Measures

2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Rebecca Jones, Director, LLEAD Institute & Partner Emeritus, Dysart & Jones Associates
Moe Hosseini-Ara, Director, Branch Operations & Customer Experience, Toronto Public Library

So many services and programs, so little time and resources. Libraries need to target their efforts. Jones and Hosseini-Ara explain how libraries can used tools from the nonprofit and corporate sectors to determine which services are critical and which, no matter how loved they were at one time, need to be divested. They then work with the audience to identify the measures most useful for ensuring the operations underpinning the services are productive, and that the services are realizing impacts important for the library and stakeholders.

Track B - Tech Tools

New technology and tools are always appearing on the library landscape, but what ones deserve our attention and testing? Get a library tech update and hear practitioners talk about what's new, how these tools and technologies are being utilized, and how they have engaged their staffs and communities!

Moderator: Tracy Z Maleeff, Principal, Sherpa Intelligence LLC

B301 - Library Tech Update

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant, Library Technology Guides, USA & Author

The success of libraries depends to a large extent on the technology tools that it has in place to manage and provide access to collections and to automate operations. Breeding discusses the current library technology industry, highlighting the major trends in systems and the companies that develop and support these tools.

B302 - Tech Tools InfoBlitz

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Gretchen Rings, Digital Collections Librarian, Oak Park Public Library
Emily Clasper, System Operations and Training Manager, Suffolk Cooperative Library System
Michelle Zaffino, Founder & Chief Digital Librarian, MyLibrarian / In the Stacks & Creators of the Librarian Brain database
Phil Gunderson, ILS Coordinator, San Diego Public Library

This fast-moving session shares the tech tools that libraries have used successfully and how you can use them in your environment. New York Public Library and Chicago Public Library are getting a lot of attention for lending out mobile hot spots to their communities. Rings shares how smaller libraries can create a similar program on a manageable scale, provides tips on developing your own program, where to purchase devices, and how to package and brand them. Clasper looks at a number of online tools designed to make col- laborative projects work like clockwork including scheduling, task management, information sharing, and document versioning tools that translate well into many library settings to make collaboration more efficient and rewarding. Zaffino discusses a book recommendation app currently in beta testing, shares what the first users are saying, and more. Gunderson illustrates how to apply Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations to XML data to restructure data so that it instantly appears the way you want it to in Excel.

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

B303 - Grabbin’ ’Em With Tech!

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Rebecca Jones, Director, LLEAD Institute & Partner Emeritus, Dysart & Jones Associates
Stephen Lee, Library Jedi, San Francisco Public Library
Kenn Bicknell, Manager, Policy Research & Library Services, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, USA

Hear about three innovative programs to engage staff and customers with technology. Raven discusses keeping staff, especially volunteers, engaged and their IT skills current and shares her library's program to move both staff and public computing functions to a browser-based cloud solution while increasing staff technical acumen. Lee talks about how SFPL deployed a pilot project of six mounted iPads called the eNewsCenter as a service for a better user experience and as collaboration with private companies. He shares the tech tools they used, how the success of the pilot has resulted in expansion at three locations with more to come and secrets to setting up one or 100 interactive iPad stations like the eNewsCenter for your customers. Bicknell provides an overview of successful deployment of a free, web-based timeline tool on interactive digital kiosks outside the library environment. He explains how the kiosk environment is scalable and well-suited to all types of libraries and content, how various digital assets create an engaging experience for the public outside the library, highlights three different chronologies to educate the public about an historic train station, a notable light rail project, and the infrastructure of regional highways.

B304 - Privacy Frameworks & Tools

2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO
Kate Roberts, Senior Librarian/ Web Team Manager, San Jose Public Library
Erin Berman, Project Manager, Technology & Innovation, San Jose Public Library

Libraries have a long history of supporting the privacy of patron data. Despite this history, the nature of patron privacy in a digital environment is evolving in ways that are outside of the direct control of libraries. For example, many library systems are cloud-based and managed by vendors, and much of the digital content is web-based and controlled by publishers. In both cases, the library does not directly control interaction data. NISO has launched a project to develop a consensus framework around patron privacy in these systems, bringing together libraries, publishers and vendors. Carpenter describes the developing framework. The SJPL won a grant from the Knight News Foundation to prototype an online privacy footprint mapping tool for the public. The goal is to provide a neutral source of online privacy information that could be tailored to an individual’s privacy needs. The main challenge is creating a responsive web tool that is fun and engaging while educating people about online privacy. SJPL partnered with San Jose State University Game Development undergraduates to help design and code the tool. Learn about gamification principles employed to make the tool engaging, team member roles that make the project possible, and the tech behind the project that includes HTML5 and JavaScript.

Track C - Innovation & the Future

At Internet Librarian, we are always looking for the next big thing and try to highlight exciting new projects featured in libraries. Hear about virtual reality, libraries as incubators, mobile makerspaces, and building apps.

Moderator: David Lee King, Digital Services Director, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library & Author, & Publisher, davidleeking.com

C301 - Innovation in Libraries

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
David Lee King, Digital Services Director, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library & Author, & Publisher, davidleeking.com
Brian Pichman, Director, Strategic Innovation, Evolve Project
Rudy Leon, Associate Director, Research Services & Learning Spaces, Randall Library,, UNC– Wilmington
Alexandra Radocchia Zealand, Web Editor, New Media Developer and Video Producer, Web Team, Arlington Public Library & VLA

This panel shares the most innovative practices, services, and strategies they have seen that could be replicated in your library! Get lots of ideas and insights from this  experienced panel of Internet Librarians!

C302 - Libraries as Awesome Incubators

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Uyen Tran, Librarian II, San Diego Public Library

If STEAM is the education of youth, and maker is the creativity of adolescence, then entrepreneur is the resulting adult. Did you know libraries make awesome "incubators" for startups? Libraries offer information, resources, and training on how to start a business, provide "co-working spaces," and tools for entrepreneurs. This session shows the result of one library's first Startup Weekend event, how it was organized, its impact on the library, and how you can organize one at your library. Learn how the library turned the inter-generational Maker Lab into a space that promotes entrepreneurship and innovation by connecting users with traditional library services. Hear about some of the projects and companies that were founded/created using the tools and services provided at the library.

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

C303 - Mobile Makerspaces: Tips & Tricks

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Jenny Minich, Branch & Outreach Services Librarian, La Porte County Public Library

Learn how the La Porte Library collaborated with the community to create Spark Labs, the La Porte County Public Library makerspaces. The library developed a curriculum as well as mobile makerspaces to take to library branches, schools, and other community centers. From recruiting donors and volunteers to creating a makerspace advisory board with community leaders, this session gives you tips and tricks for creating successful makerspaces in your community.

C304 - Hack the Library: App Building Competition

2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Stanislav Bogdanov, Senior Instructional Media Specialist, Swirbul Library, Adelphi University & Boglio LLC
Rachel Isaac-Menard, Reference Librarian/Emerging Technologies Coordinator, Adelphi University

Libraries are constantly evolving, for example, incorporating creative spaces within learning commons and makerspaces. This involves engaging audiences in new ways and advocating for innovative learning and literacy technologies. Hackathons are programming or design competitions to create new apps or tools. The Hack the Library 2015 App Hackathon at Adelphi University will help in this transformative period by providing different perspectives from the library's primary users. The goal for the competition is to generate ideas (rather than completed apps) for any utility applications or mobile or desktop games that can be used in the library. This presentation details the process of organizing an academic library hackathon, including recommendations for implementation, getting university support, and le- gal considerations. Apps pitched at the hackathon are also presented, as are suggestions for creating a successful event.

Track D - Learning, Growing, Leading

This track looks at ways to learn, grow, and become leaders in your organizations and communities. It looks at peer coaching, project management thinking (one of the 21st-century must-have skills), re-envisioning, and makeovers for academic libraries.

D301 - Project Management Thinking

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Emily Clasper, System Operations and Training Manager, Suffolk Cooperative Library System

As library jobs become increasingly project-oriented, how can librarians incorporate the theories, practices, tools, and methodologies associated with project management to increase the efficiency and success of the projects we undertake, as well as add value to our professional skill set and become more effective leaders? Join our certified project manager and librarian for an overview of the basic principles of project management and the ways applying them within a library setting can benefit everyone.

D302 - Peer Coaching Across Organizations

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Max King, Information Technology Librarian, Illinois Institute of Technology
Dee Winn, Head of Information Services, Webster Library, Concordia University

A common complaint among librarians in management positions is the lack of support and training for them to rely upon as they navigate their way through unfamiliar waters. Although formal or informal mentoring programs have helped some institutions facilitate the transition from employee to manager, the speakers began a peer coaching model of co-mentorship based on Marshall Gold- smith's peer coaching model, which encourages a cost-effective way to provide quality coaching to mid-level, high-potential, and emerging leaders. They reflect on their experiences conducting a peer coaching model across institutions, utilizing technology such as Skype and Trello to facilitate cross-institution peer coaching, participants' feedback, support structures for emerging managers, and potential stumbling blocks for those interested in seeking out a similar support network.

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

D303 - Gamification & Learning

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Raymond Pun, First Year Student Success Librarian, Library, California State University, Fresno
Stanislav Bogdanov, Senior Instructional Media Specialist, Swirbul Library, Adelphi University & Boglio LLC

What is gamification and how can it be used to enhance the learning experience? Gamification "involves applying game design to non-game applications to make them more fun and engaging." The challenge is that in the context of the library, people often do not associate it as being "fun" or "engaging." Adding gaming elements may increase attention, interest and overall library experience. Learn more about gamification in libraries and get lots of ideas from the real-world examples shared.

D304 - Leadership Lessons & Strategies

2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Dr. Frank Cervone, Program Coordinator, Information Science and Data Analytics, San Jose State University
Rudy Leon, Associate Director, Research Services & Learning Spaces, Randall Library,, UNC– Wilmington
Ben Bizzle, Founder & CEO, Library Market

This panel of practitioners shares their personal leadership lessons. They discuss strategies and techniques for helping staff grow into leadership positions and engage in interactive conversation with the audience.

Track E - Engagement Strategies & Practices

Capturing attention, building awareness, and engaging customers are challenging to all types of libraries. Hear from our experienced practitioners about the strategies and practices that have worked (or not) in their environments. Get lots of ideas and insights!

E301 - Doklab Innovation in Storytelling

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Erik Boekesteijn, Senior Advisor, National Library of the Netherlands
Lora Baiocco, Online Services & Archives Librarian, Westmount Public Library

Our popular world-travelling speaker gives the latest update and news from Doklab, the famous Library Innovation Lab in the Netherlands. He discusses new tools to help you and your users keep, share, and make stories. Baiocco shares details of the userXperience of the local stories interactive application at a public library in Montreal.

E302 - Successful Academic Library Makeover!

11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Dr. Tod Colegrove, Dean of Albertsons Library, Boise State University & Emeritus Professor, University of Nevada, Reno & Author, Selecting & Implementing Technologies in Libraries
Tara Radniecki, Head of the DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library, University of Nevada, Reno (UNR)

For thousands of years libraries have been connecting people and technology; makerspace in libraries offers seemingly unlimited potential for springboarding learning, discovery, innovation, and entrepreneurship. How much is real, and how much is hype? From 3D printers and laser cutters to microprocessors and robotics toolkits, hear examples of everything that's gone wrong-and the things that have gone right that make it all worthwhile.

Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits

12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

E303 - Social Media Strategies for Advocacy

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Patrick Sweeney, Political Director, EveryLibrary & Co-Author, How to Win Elections & Influence Politicians for Library Funding
John Chrastka, Founder, EveryLibrary

Want to activate voters, advocates, and their neighbors? Wondering how to get the word out about a library ballot measure or the library? Learn how a simple coordinated web and social media can build awareness and engagement with your community. Through liking, sharing, and commenting, you can crowdsource an aware- ness campaign that will raise engagement exponentially across your community. Hear about how to use Facebook, email, Twitter, and Tumblr to successfully reach the community. Learn the best ways to maximize your advertising budget through micro-targeting. These presenters review techniques for each platform, and provide insights into how to monitor success using reports. If you need to convince someone about the value of using social media for a campaign, this session is for you.

E304 - Circulating Kindles & Living to Tell About It

2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Susan Broman, Assistant City Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library
Mary Yogi, Internet Services Librarian, County of Los Angeles Public Library

Imagine circulating e-readers at 85 libraries! Hear how one library started with a pilot of 18 libraries and now has 920 Kindles deployed across 29 libraries. Speakers detail the planning process, including the decision to use Kindle Paperwhites and work with Amazon Whispercast, procurement issues, technical services issues and solutions, questions of content, staff training and deployment, customer survey results, and lessons learned. This highly successful pilot program has brought a new way to read to many residents of a widely diverse county; join our presenters as they share their story and talk about maintaining a low loss rate, creating 34 different genres of content, and getting feedback from the 62% of customers who used e-readers for the first time.

Closing Keynote Panel

The Future of Libraries: Challenges & Strategies

3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Moderator: Dr. Ken Haycock, Research Professor of Management and Organization, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California & Senior Partner, Ken Haycock & Associates Inc.
Gerry Maginnity, Deputy State Librarian, California State Library
Kim Bui-Burton, Community Services and Library Director, City of Monterey
Susan Hildreth, Professor of Practice, Aspen Institute Felow, Information School, University of Washington & former Director, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

Haycock summarizes the challenges facing libraries today. Our panel of industry leaders reacts and discusses the challenges, addresses strategies for creating a positive future for libraries, and shares their insights!

Workshops Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Internet@Schools CyberTours Program PDF

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